DART News Release
Media Relations Contact: April 13, 2020 DART Starts Grocery Pickup and Delivery Service for Paratransit Customers Beginning Monday, April 13, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) paratransit drivers will add grocery pickup and delivery to its services for customers. Customers interested in signing up, or learning more about the service, can call one of the DART Mobility Ambassadors at (214) 828-8588, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. While shelter-at-home orders remain in place, and as fewer customers take trains or buses, DART continues to branch out with services to the community. DART recently partnered with Dallas Independent School District to deliver 4,500 meals to students each week and with the City of Dallas to distribute care packages to seniors who participate in the Dallas Park and Recreation Active Senior Adult Program. Learn more: DART Partners with City of Dallas to Deliver Senior Care Packages and DART Buses Deliver Meals for DISD Students. -- 30 -- |