DART News Release
Media Relations Contact: January 28, 2020 DART's New Interactive Digital Kiosks Bring Leading Edge Technology to North Texas Riders In its continued commitment to developing innovative technologies and services that empower customers and move North Texas forward, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) has begun the installation of more than 300 interactive digital kiosks across the service network. DART's new interactive kiosks will allow residents and visitors to discover and rediscover North Texas with:
In addition to technological advancements, the interactive digital kiosks provide DART riders with new opportunities to engage with community partners, local merchants and local events. The kiosks are also equipped with high-resolution cameras, increasing the video monitoring presence for the DART Police Department, and boosting safety measures across the system and the region. "It has been exciting to work with DART and Smart City Media, as well as our other operating partners," said Tim Brazy, Chief Executive Officer of Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP. "As each kiosk is placed into the various site locations, we are reminded of how rewarding it is for us to lead the team that is bringing innovative connectivity solutions to DART's smart media communication platform, which will provide many benefits to its passengers." About Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) gets you around Dallas and 12 surrounding cities with modern public transit services and customer facilities tailored to make trips fast, comfortable and economical. The regional transit agency's extensive network of DART Light Rail, Trinity Railway Express commuter rail, bus routes and paratransit services move more than 220,000 passengers per day across a 700-square-mile service area. For more information, visit www.dart.org. About Smart City Media Smart City Media is a privately held company that partners with cities, transit systems, colleges, airports, and real estate developments across North America, as well as advertisers seeking to reach audiences on a national, or local scale. Company leadership comes from the highest level of media, with honors including a 2017 Edison Awards Gold Media for Innovation, as well as multiple Emmys, Peabodys, Effies and Gracies. About Landmark Infrastructure Partners, LP Landmark Infrastructure Partners LP owns and manages a portfolio of real property interests and infrastructure assets that the Partnership leases to companies in the wireless communication, outdoor advertising and renewable power generation industries. -- 30 -- |